A very busy autumn saw the launch of the Gaza Music School's first teaching programmes (see above) culminating in a concert in mid-...
Final touches are being put on the four films made by students who received production grants from PAV, after the editing phase had...
The activities of the winter programme “Your Body…Secrets & Hidden Facts” carried on throughout the period, introducing children to...
The Magnificat Institute in Jerusalem organized its 9th piano competition on the 13th of December. The Qattan Award for this year was...
As part of our external lending programme, 5150 books were lent to 10 libraries of institutions that provide services for children in...
Our colleague Wasim Kurdi participated in the “Creative Forum for Independent Theatre Groups which took place in Alexandria in February...
PAV is preparing for the final workshop for teachers who supervise its school cine-clubs. 38 teachers from 35 schools all over the West...
25 children from various ages participated in the workshop around the use of “Bluetooth”.