The Qattan Centre for Educational Research and Development (QCERD) concluded, on 2 August, the ninth edition of its Drama in Education...

In Pictures: Drama in Education Summer School 2015

The Qattan Centre for Educational Research and Development launched the 9th round of the Drama in Education Summer School (DiESS) which takes place between 23 July -2 August in Jerash, Jordan. DiESS is held this year in partnership with the Welfare Association, and in cooperation with the Al Balad Theatre in Jordan.

26 July 2015

Shubbak Festival 2015

London, UK
In partnership with a number of Palestinian and international organisations, t he Culture and Arts Programme (CAP) organised, from 7-9...

"London-based Shubbak festival is a nod to and demonstration of Arab talent"

"When Hoda Al Khamis-Kanoo, artistic director of Abu Dhabi Festival, noted that ADF and Shubbak could “share the wealth of artistic expression that the Arab region has to offer ... enabling dialogue and exchange”, she might well have had an eye on Badke. This collaboration between a cutting-edge Belgian dance company and 10 Palestinian performers is everything a modern festival celebrating 21st-century Arab culture should be.


/si:n/ Festival 2015 - Reclaiming the Public Space: 7-9 July

The fourth edition of the /si:n/ Festival of Video Art and Performance aims to ambush spectators wherever they are in urban spaces. Potential spectators might be driving by, out to enjoy the nights of Ramadan; others might stop at the sleepless shop windows and electronic billboards and not find advertisements but videos, installations and artworks instead. The streets will embrace artists as they express their emotions and interpret their ideas in contemporary performances.
