Publication of Laymouna..tan, and Opening of The Displacement Exhibition in Lebanon

Home In Qattan News Publication of Laymouna..tan, and Opening of The Displacement Exhibition in Lebanon

A novel entitled Laymouna..tan, was published by Al Ahlia For Publishing and Distribution in Lebanon. It is written by young Palestinian, Wedad Taha, with the support of “Selat: Links Through the Arts”, a project launched by the A. M. Qattan Foundation, in partnership with the Prince Clause Fund (Holland) in 2012.

The novel launch took place on 21 September, at the theatre hall in Saida municipality, with a reading by Wedad Taha from her novel before she signed the book. Taha will make a tour of Palestinian camps and other areas in Lebanon to promote the novel.

24 September saw the launch of The Displacement, an exhibition by young Palestinian photographer Bechara Damouni. The exhibition was also supported by the Selat project, and took place at Nimer Cultural Association in Beirut.

The exhibition sheds light on the continuous displacement of the Palestinians who are forced to move from the refugee camps in Syria to the Ain Al Hilwa camp in Lebanon. The exhibition included an oral presentation of their stories in which they talk about Palestinian exodus. It is set to move to the Maarouf Saad Cultural Centre in Saida, and the tour will also include visits to Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon.