Mayor of the London Borough Hounslow Visits the Foundation

Home In Qattan News Mayor of the London Borough Hounslow Visits the Foundation

On 22 March, a delegation from the London Borough Hounslow Council accompanied by a officials from the Ramallah Municipality visited the A. M. Qattan Foundation (AMQF). A formal twinning link between the London Borough of Hounslow and the Palestinian city of Ramallah has been in place since 1988.


The visiting delegation was headed by Mayor of the London Borough Hounslow Nisar Malik and Secretary of the Ramallah-Hounslow Friendship Association. Ziad Khalaf, AMQF Director General, and Nader Dagher, Director of Communication & Public Relations, received the delegations.


Khalaf briefed the Hounslow Council delegation on the Foundation’s work and programmes. He also discussed the Foundation’s future projects, plans and cooperation with public and private institutions in Palestine.


The Hounslow Council delegation has been on a visit to Ramallah to renew the Ramallah-Hounslow Twinning Association and to explore opportunities of further cooperation and exchange between both cities and active institutions.