Gaza: Children of the Child Centre – Gaza on a Science Visit to Al-Azhar University

Home In Qattan News Gaza: Children of the Child Centre – Gaza on a Science Visit to Al-Azhar University

Gaza – 2 July 2018


With the participation of 21 children, the Child Centre – Gaza (CCG) / A. M. Qattan Foundation organised a visit to the Faculty of Science at Al-Azhar University, Gaza. These children are participants in the Nano Course, which the CCG is offering in the context of Freedom, CCG Summer 2018 courses.


Children delved into the science space at the university’s Nanotechnology Lab. They watched a number of science experiments, which stimulated their thinking and inquiry. In this context, Dr. Naji al-Dahoudi, Professor of Materials Science and Nanotechnology, engaged in an interactive dialogue with, and explained nanoscience to, children.


“These children are the hope for the future. It is indeed positive to that children learn about the magic of science, particularly nanotechnology. This branch of science stimulates little children. Passion was evident in their eyes and looks.” Dr. Al-Dahoudi said.


Abdullah Sha’th, a boy, expressed his love of science and said he enjoyed the visit: “I watched a number of nano experiments. I imagined how nano is built up by means of atoms as if it were Legos. I watched how nano materials are prepared in the lab.”


Jazeel Humaid, a girl, expressed surprise during the tour around the Faculty of Science. “This is the first time I’ve been to the university. I was amazed by the Nano Lab and other labs,” Jazeel said.  


The visit was concluded by an orientation tour around all departments of the Faculty of Science. Children visited the chemistry, physics and biology labs, as well as a mummification exhibition.


Nanoscience is the study of matter, particles and structures on the nanometer scale (one millionth of a millimeter, the scale of atoms and molecules). It is a branch of materials science, which intersects with physics, mechanic, biological and chemical engineering.