European Commission Grant Agreement Signed

Home In Qattan News European Commission Grant Agreement Signed

On December 19 2013, the European Commission, represented by Mr. Sergio Piccolo, Head of Operations at the Office of the European Union, signed a grant agreement with the A. M. Qattan Foundation represented by its Director General, Mr. Ziad Khalaf, to implement the “Performing Arts : A Pathway Towards Self Expression and Democracy” for the benefit of the Palestinian Performing Arts Network (PAN).

The two-year project will commence on 3 February 2014 with a 1.2 million euro European Commission grant. It will primarily target Palestinian children and youth to raise their awareness of democratic principles, their rights and to encourage their sense of cultural identity. The Project will be implemented by the eleven PAN partner organisations: the Al Kamandjâti Association, the Al-Harah Theatre, the Ashtar for Theatre Productions and Training, the El – Funoun Palestinian Popular Dance Troupe, the Edward Said National Conservatory of Music (ESNCM), the Freedom Theatre, the Magnificat Institute, the Palestinian Circus School, the Popular Arts Centre (PAC), Theatre Day Productions (TDP) and Yes Theatre.