Arab Foundations Forum Meeting

Home In Qattan News Arab Foundations Forum Meeting

The Foundation’s Director General, Ziad Khalaf, and Resource Development Manager, Majd Hajjaj, participated on 24-25 March 2015 in the Arab Foundations Forum’s (AFF) annual meeting, held in Amman with the participation of representatives from member organisations.


The Meeting featured seminars on innovation in organisations working in the fields of development, with the aim to enhance their services and increase opportunities of social interaction. It addressed the importance of accessing information and its vital role in achieving the desired impact of charity work, and included a symposium on civil society’s role in creating new job opportunities for youth in the Arab region, and another on leadership and well-being in organisations. 


The Forum’s General Assembly was also held, during which it presented its achievements and audited financial report, and elected three new members to the Board of Directors for the period 2015-2018, including Khalaf.